MRHS Boosters Club Scholarship
Application & Information
Thank you for your interest in applying for the MRHS Boosters Club Scholarship. This Senior Scholarship is designed
for a MRHS Boosters Club member who strives for excellence and who has “made a difference through a positive
contribution to a school club, organization or sports team. Two awards in the amount of $2,000 will be awarded to defray the cost of any accredited institution of higher learning to which you have been accepted for the next academic year. The selected students for the awards will be announced in May at the Senior Awards Assembly.
To be considered for this award, you will need to prepare your application per the instructions below and place contents in a sealed 9"x12" envelope clearly marked "BOOSTERS CLUB SCHOLARSHIP" with the student's full name and submission date by the end of the school day on Friday, March 3, 2023. The envelope should be submitted to the Boosters mailbox located in the Front Office.
Your application should include the following:
A personal statement which reflects how you have shared your time and talent as a member of a school club, sport, or organization supported by the MRHS Boosters Club. Tell how you have made a difference or contributed to that group, and how it has enhanced your high school experience. Your personal statement can be made in the format of your choice: essay, poem, powerpoint presentation, video, poster, song, etc. Note that your submission should take no longer than four minutes to read/view.
If the personal statement is in a digital format, it must be submitted on a flash drive in the envelope and also emailed to The flash drive will not be returned. The emailed file can be in the form of a QR code, but must not expire before June 1, 2023.
A personal resume including your academic achievements, work experience, community activities, teams, clubs, and other activities, etc.
A letter of recommendation from a non-family member.
The applications for the “Making a Difference at Marriotts Ridge High School” Boosters Club
Scholarship will be reviewed by a committee made up of Administration, former Boosters Members,
and Community Members, and it will be evaluated on the following criteria:
The impact on the students, staff, and community of MRHS
The impact on the program/activity/club/team in which involved
Strength of character of the applicant (e.g. leadership, initiative, risk-taking, and perseverance)
The clarity of thought, effort, and creativity in the presentation of the personal statement
Please note that you must have a 2.5 GPA and that you or your family must be a member of the
MRHS Boosters Club in order to apply for this award. It’s not too late to join now. To join, go to the
Boosters Club website:
If you have any questions, contact Sheila Klingler at
Contributing Sponsors